
The Effective Living Course

A Comprehensive Life Management System for Identifying, Prioritizing, and Completing What Truly Matters

The Effective Living Course is a one-of-a-kind program that empowers you to become the person you’ve always wanted to be. It helps you find not only what matters to you but creates a framework to run all your decisions through to help you become the person that continuously and effortlessly does the behaviors that bring you closer to those aspirations.
I'm Interested, Let's do this Pranay!

Before I dive into the details, you should know that I designed this for you if...

Before I dive into the details, you should know that I designed this for you if...

You desire more from life. 

You are ambitious, driven, and constantly on the go: physicians, entrepreneurs, or both. 

You're someone who dives headfirst into every endeavor, often sacrificing personal time, health, and mental peace to meet your objectives. 

Maybe, you’ve already taken a bunch of other formulas and never had the time or energy to follow through. 

But now you’ve reached a point where you're questioning if you're heading in the right direction and if all that hard work is translating into genuine personal fulfillment. You're feeling stuck in a rut, investing a great deal of energy into tasks but not truly advancing in a meaningful direction. 

If this resonates with you, then you are absolutely in the right place!

I was there not that long ago. I had just graduated from residency and became a full-fledged doctor. Despite this success, I had an unrelenting nagging feeling inside that I wanted to do more. But truthfully, I felt a bit of shame around that. I had worked so long in my life to get here, shouldn’t I feel fulfilled? At least part of me wasn’t and that discomfort grew bigger and bigger each day. 

That’s why one day I took a deep look at my life and went down a path to find what was important to me. It wasn’t just a degree or a job or even my family (even though I love them deeply). It was fully aligning my life and not just parts of it - all of it. It must have shown when I finally did it because people asked me what had changed and how they too could go down the same path.  

The Effective Living formula will provide you with the tools, motivation, and support on your journey that I wish I had so you too can discover what genuinely matters most to you and ensure it forms a significant part of your life.


This is not a system that will make you completely change your life to fit into a rigid structure, instead, it’ll provide you with a framework that will adapt and fit into your life. The approach to change in ELC is straightforward and totally free of the kind of the shame that comes from feeling like you're just 'too lazy' to do things 'right'.

Your life will look similar, but you’ll get a lot more done, and be a lot happier about it. 

I told myself that I still want to be healthy, be a good husband, be a good father, AND still not slow down. Most importantly, I didn’t want to pay “lip service” to my family, by being there, but not really being present. 

I realized I couldn’t simply brute force it anymore or just throw time and effort at whatever I wanted to get done. Especially after becoming a father, I no longer had any “extra time” to troubleshoot my way through ideas, I needed to get intentional. I had to build a system, and that is what I’ll teach in this formula. 


What You'll Gain From ELC...

Align Actions with Your Guiding Principles:

Learn to identify your real priorities and align your actions with them. Audit your time, recognize patterns, and rewrite your life story.

Establish Effective Habits:

Unearth what truly matters to you, pick habits that resonate with your goals, and understand why goal-setting isn't enough.

Automate Your Life:

Master the art of setting up systems and nudges that help automate your life, making your desired behaviors a default state, rather than a constant struggle.

Make Progress Enjoyable:

Learn to make habit formation fun, use the power of words to your advantage, and indulge more in activities you already love.

Diagnose and Adjust:

Master the art of troubleshooting a habit you want to instill or discontinue and understand the pitfalls of productivity to ensure alignment with what truly matters to you.

But above all else, you'll have a clear understanding of how to prioritize what genuinely matters in your life to get more of the right things done so you can spend more time on what really matters so you can know that you are moving forward each day and not just spinning your wheels. 

Yes! Join now

Here are the BONUSES that await you when you enroll during this limited-time period: 

No more meetings!

Bonus Module: Strategies to reduce meetings and unnecessary calls while getting more done.

An exclusive AI bonus module:

"Amplify Your Efficiency: Leveraging AI to 10X Your Productivity."

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Why YOU Are Destined for a Fulfilling, Productive Life...


We all have the same 168 hours in a week, some people are able to do so much more with that time. Now is the perfect chance for you to learn how to take full advantage of your time. 

This means it’s possible to get all that you care about done. 

It’s YOUR time and YOUR opportunity to create a seismic shift in your life. 

Maybe you're questioning your ability to make this change. We've all been there. 

That's why this formula is designed to slowly but surely erase those doubts with practical tools, strategies, and actions that will help you become the person who gets the most out of life. ELC will show you step-by-step how to identify what truly matters to you and develop the habits to accomplish more of it. It's time to bring your aspirations and that deep-down nudge that you have something good to contribute to this world – into reality.

No more hesitation. No more procrastination. No more excuses.  You can finally build the life that you’ve always wanted to live while leaving a positive impact on the world and for the people you love.