Introducing The Effective Living Formula:

A Comprehensive Life Management System for Figuring Out What You Want, Prioritizing, and Completing What Truly Matters To You.


Feeling that tug saying you’re ready for the next chapter in life?

But not sure what that means for you?

I’m not talking about a mid-life crisis where you go buy a red Porsche, though feel free if that’s your style – I’m talking about that longing for more, for a deeper sense of fulfillment, purpose, and happiness in your everyday life.

But with countless options, choices, and almost no free time, that can feel like an impossible dream. 

So what if I share with you a step-by-step blueprint that helps you not only find what matters most to you but also creates a framework that processes all your decisions to help you become the person who continuously and effortlessly does the behaviors that bring you closer to those goals – while still staying true to yourself. 

Would that help? If so, keep reading. 



As Seen in:

Before I dive into the details, you should know that I designed this for you if…

You’re a physician and a parent. As a Hospitalist and dad of two kids under the age of 5, I primarily speak with other busy parent physicians who are feeling the call for more from life. 

You have an amazing life, I know – you love your family and love the career you worked so fiercely hard for, but now you’re at a moment in your adulthood that’s asking for expansion, there’s something pulling at you and you’re not quite sure what it is or what direction to go in. 

You are ambitious, driven, and constantly on the go: physicians/dentists, entrepreneurs, or both. You work in an exhaustingly busy environment where the work never ends and are ready for something to change, maybe a job transition, maybe a hobby or side investment you can sink your teeth into. 

You're someone who dives headfirst into every endeavor, often sacrificing personal time, health, and mental peace to meet your objectives. 

But then you face an insurmountable pile of ideas and goals, get overwhelmed, and never quite reach them.

Maybe you’ve already taken a bunch of other courses and never had the time or energy to follow through. 

So now you’ve reached a point where you're questioning if you're heading in the right direction and if all that hard work is translating into genuine personal fulfillment. You're feeling stuck in a rut, investing a great deal of energy into tasks but not truly advancing in a meaningful direction. 

If this resonates with you, then you are absolutely in the right place!


By the end of this program, you will…


  • Save Yourself up to 5-10 extra hours a week 

    to do whatever you want.
  • Deal with Imposter Syndrome

    leading to saving countless hours and stress from doubting yourself.
  • Stop Procrastinating 

    and get way more done than you ever thought possible. 
  • Have increased confidence 

    to start something new outside of medicine or your current career. 
  • Create an algorithm to make better and quicker decisions 

    so you no longer have to agonize over what is right for you.
  • Build the systems and habits  

    to make doing what you want the default state.

What My Physician Students Have to Say...


Ever think “I can’t do this until I’m 65,
I just won’t make it” while you’re at work? You’re in the right place.

What’s Inside the Effective Living Formula 


Module 00


Module Description: Here’s where it pays to learn from someone who’s gone before you– I know exactly where students get stuck when trying to build an effective life. So before the course starts, I’ll be sending you two lessons to help you deal with the two biggest issues that people run into: not having enough time and running out of motivation to finish the course.

I’ll set you up for success by having you do a time audit to figure out where you are currently spending your time. Students have said this lesson alone was worth the value of the course.

The other lesson in the pre-course will give you the tools to make sure you finish the course. If you’re like me, you have a plethora of online courses that you've started but never got around to finishing. With the insights from this lesson, I’ve finished pretty much every course that I’ve taken lately.

Pre-course Highlights:

  • General overview of the course 
  • Save yourself up to 5-10 hours a week after doing a time audit
  • Learn evidence-based techniques to Increase your chances of finishing whatever you start by 40% 
Module 01

Rewriting your Story

Have you ever told yourself that being a Doctor is who you are, not what you’re “just a doc”? I know I have. It rears its ugly head anytime I want to start something new. After all, you gave so much to become a Doctor, so it should be enough, right? Not quite. In this module, we’ll learn how to take a story that we’ve told ourselves that no longer serves us and replace it with one that does. 

We’ll also take a close look at imposter syndrome and why we procrastinate so that we can finally get the upper hand against both of them.

Module 1 Highlights:

  • Realize you are more than “just a doc”
  • Deal with imposter syndrome leading to saving countless hours and stress from doubting yourself
  • Stop procrastinating and get way more done than you ever thought possible
Module 02

Find out what matters and move towards it.

We physicians rarely sit and think about what we want in life after we’ve gone into medicine. We often follow a well-worn path, getting a promotion here and there. Often years go by before we realize that we aren’t being fulfilled. 

This module will be all about living life with intention by figuring out what we want in life and then starting on a path towards it. 

Module 2 Highlights:

  • A step-by-step exercise to figure out what you want in life
  • Developing a framework to make decisions easier and quicker
  • How to pick goals that get you closer to where you want to be in life
  • Pick habits that will help you reach your goals AND be fun to do 
Module 03

Automate your Life

We often think of automation as robots or artificial intelligence, but there are ways to automate our lives so that our default state is getting what we want in life. 

This module is all about making what we want to do in life the default state by automating our systems and habits. 

Module 3 Highlights:

  • Use your environment to set yourself up for success
  • How to increase your chances of successfully sticking to a new habit
  • The few actions that will transform your life into one that is closer to your ideal life
Module 04

The Art of Effortless Living 

Whenever starting something new, we often take the hard way first. Why not make life easier so we can get to our goals and the life we want even quicker? 

This module will be all about making our lives easier while still getting the life we want.

Module 4 Highlights:

  • Make getting what you want in life fun so you are more likely to do it
  • Use the power of the words you tell yourself to your advantage
  • Hijack your dopamine system so it helps you get what you want done (and not the other way around)
Module 05

How to Scale & Sustain an Effective Life

The last module will bring together everything we’ve learned so you can live your ideal life. We’ll also look at the dark side of productivity to make sure we are living a life aligned with our why and who we want to become. 

In this module, you’ll get the tools to troubleshoot anything that could come up including stopping a pesky habit.

Module 5 Highlights:

  • Learn when and how to scale up a habit that is working for you
  • Look at the dark side of productivity so you can lead a balanced life
  • Troubleshoot any behavior or habit that isn’t sticking
  • Stop a pesky negative habit 

People often say “I’m stuck” when they’re ready to start living effectively, but the problem with that phrasing is it doesn’t guide you to any way out. So people search for ways to get “unstuck” and they are inundated with endless OPTIONS. This leaves people feeling more overwhelmed with opportunities and possibilities than before, which can tear your life apart, instead of adding a system that works WITH your life while helping you achieve your true desired goals. 

Plus These Bonuses to Help You These Bonuses to Help You Generate Unstoppable Momentum (and Keep It) All the Way Through Building Your Effective Life


Bonus 1 - $997 Value 

5 Weeks of Live Q&A Sessions with Pranay Inside The Effective Living Formula Facebook Community for Members Only

Never get left behind. That's the promise I'm making you inside the private Effective Living Formula Facebook Group. Our private, student-only Facebook groups will be an active, highly-curated community full of supportive go-getters who are on the same exact journey as you are. Meaning, you'll get unstuck in a matter of minutes instead of days or weeks if you were to go at it alone. With myself, my team, and your peers in your corner, you'll turn isolation into inspiration--and frustration into fearlessness.

(A $997 Value)

What You’ll Get:

  • 5 weeks of live Q&A sessions to make sure you get your burning questions answered and move forward with clarity and confidence
  • An active and highly supportive Facebook community with fellow students, alumni, and Team Parikh to make sure you get unstuck in a matter of minutes instead of weeks 
  • Overcome isolation and consistently refill your motivation tank by connecting with others interested in living their best life who “get” the journey and are here to help you cross that finish line. 
Bonus 2 - $697 Value

Making the Most of Every Moment: A Guide to a Well-Spent Life

Don’t know what to do with all your new free time? No problem.

Because when you enroll in The Effective Living Formula, you’ll get access to the “Making the Most of Every Moment: A Guide to a Well-Spent Life” by the end of the course.

This special TELF bonus is everything you need to make all of your time memorable and refreshing.

(A $697 Value)


  • Getting the most enjoyment out of new purchases and experiences
  • Creating happy memories that will last forever and building a system to relive them regularly
  • Find more satisfaction in the day-to-day
Bonus 3 - $497 Value

Amplify your Efficiency: Leveraging AI to 10x your Productivity

We have all heard of how AI is the future, but it's already available and people (including me) have been using it to exponentially increase their productivity. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t use AI.

Think about how often you use Google. That’s at least as often as you should be using AI if not more. 

With this TELF bonus, I will take the mystery out of AI and give you practical tips to use it in your daily life to increase your productivity, both personally and professionally.

Inside The Effective Living Formula alone, you’ll get:

5 implementation modules show you literally EVERYTHING you need to turn your life into one where you have MORE time and MORE of what you want.

Start anything with confidence so you can hit the ground running on whatever you want to accomplish.

Next-level systems-building and habit strategies so you never have to rely on motivation again.


Plus, You’ll be Backed by a Risk-Free 30 Days Guarantee

If this was 2017, and I had just graduated residency and was wondering whether to invest nearly $1,500 in bettering my life - my scrolling fingers would race to this part of the page.

I get you!  

You’re not afraid to invest in yourself as long as it’s a wise one… with plenty of benefits to show for it. (Sooner rather than later.)

So here’s why you can place your confidence in a money-back guarantee and set any enrollment nerves aside.

By the end of the 30 days, you’ll have received access to the entire course of The Effective Living Formula.

This means you’ll have had the opportunity to rewrite your story, figure out your why, and start building the systems to get what you want BEFORE making a final commitment.

If you don’t feel confident and motivated that you are moving towards your ideal life, simply reach out, and we’ll refund your investment. 

You’re motivated, you have big ideas and dreams, and something you’re running towards. There’s life out there that excites you! You just need to narrow down what exactly that is for you and stop getting distracted by “shiny object syndrome” where everything looks like a great idea. Even if it is a great idea, it might not be the right and best idea for YOU. 

Most Asked Questions by your fellow effective life takers asked before grabbing their access:


If you’re thinking, “This sounds amazing, but I’m still not 100% sure,” keep reading…

You should give The Effective Living Formula a 30-day risk-free shot if you’re motivated by any of the following:

  1. You want your life back. BADLY. 

    >> Whether it's a super demanding clinical job or being fully dependent on just one source of income, you’re fully aware that you don’t have the time, location, or financial freedom you TRULY need to feel fulfilled. More importantly, you’d prefer not to spend the rest of your career dancing with burnout while chanting the mantra of “I don’t have time” or “I don’t have.

  2. You’re not afraid of putting in the work.

    >> By now, you fully understand that when it comes to living the life you want, the barriers to entry are low—but the barriers to success are high. This doesn’t scare you. It lights you up! You appreciate this barrier to success also serves as your biggest competitive advantage against the old version of yourself that was without a COMPLETE step-by-step implementation plan. But above all else, you’re ready, willing, and excited to roll up your sleeves and get to work.
  3. You recognize there is no “perfect time,” and waiting is not the answer 

    >>That doesn't mean you don’t break a sweat when you think about pressing the buy button below and investing in your incredibly promising future. But it means it’s “one day or Day One,” and only YOU can decide. For what it’s worth, if there ever was a “right time,” it would be now. What happens down the line if you don’t implement these changes?

This is your chance to join The Effective Life Formula.

So what’s it going to be?


Will you put your trust in yourself, in me, and in the program that’s helped tons of physicians, dentists, and entrepreneurs create an Effective Life? A life with intention, a life where you figure out what you want and can get it easily. 

Do you feel like there is no space to take a deep breath during the day? Then The Effective Living Formula is definitely for you. It’s time to feel clear, supported, and take steps on the right track for the future you want. 

Why YOU Are Destined for a Fulfilling, Productive Life...


We all have the same 168 hours in a week; some people can do so much more with that time. Now is the perfect chance for you to learn how to take full advantage of your time. 

This means it’s possible to get all that you care about done. 

It’s YOUR time and YOUR opportunity to create a seismic shift in your life. 

You may be questioning your ability to make this change. We've all been there. 

That's why this Formula is designed to slowly but surely erase those doubts with practical tools, strategies, and actions that will help you become the person who gets the most out of life. TELF will show you step-by-step how to identify what truly matters to you and develop the habits to accomplish more of your goals quickly. It's time to bring your aspirations and that deep-down nudge that you have something great to contribute to this world – into reality.

No more hesitation. No more procrastination. No more excuses.  You can finally build the life you’ve always wanted to live while positively impacting the world and the people you love.